Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rainbow Cupcakes!

I must have been on a cupcake rampage for the past couple of weeks! I baked these kiddy totally colourful cupcakes last weekend for a friend's 2 and 4 year old daughters. They are SO cute... the girls I mean... :) I haven't got any photos of them with me, but these cupcakes totally match them, girly, cute, vibrant and energetic!

These were vanilla cupcakes with a white chocolate ganache (with a drop of colouring to make it this gorgeous pink!) and decorated with all things colourful! :)

The cupcakes had a nice fluffy texture, but I think the vanilla essence, together with the vanilla bean paste I used was a little over the top - then again, to each to its own!

Hope you have a great week ahead! :)

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