After recently acquiring the "gift" of flowers, gardening and even weed appreciation, a trip to the Araluen tulip festival was indeed on the list of "Things to do".
Many many years ago, my family made a trip to Araluen, but I think I was obviously young and immature and did not appreciate nature and must have declined the trip. I think. I wasn't in any of the family photos. I suspect I was in that stage of life where a trip to a park to me was just a larger version of my backyard was not how I wanted to spend an afternoon.
However, now obviously a lot more matured *ahem*, and with much influence from my friend EH, who has taught me to become friends with my garden rather than the enemy, I looked forward to checking out the tulips!
We arrived at about 930am on Saturday morning, and the air was crisp, a little chilly but extremely fresh. You could almost taste the clean air! :) There were these people that must be keen photographers out with their huge cameras... G, you could have been one of them! :P
Anyway, check out the tulips below - the festival runs till the end of Sept, so be quick and make a trip up there! The bright pink tulips were my favourite...! The tearoom at the Araluen Park is really nice too - it's an old wooden house, up in the hill... ahhh homely kinda cool! :)
There is also a tearoom and potted tulip place on Croyden Rd on the way to the Araluen Park where we stopped on the way back to buy a few tulip plants (*Note: Araluen Park doesn't actually sell tulips) Unfortunately, they did not have any of these pink ones, but I bought 2 red ones for Mum (oh my gosh, they are amazing.... I am not sure whether I love roses or tulips more now!) and an orange and yellow one for EH :)
Make a trip there within the next month if you have the time! It's only about 45mins away from Perth, a quick getaway and you get to enjoy Spring in its truest form!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
(P.S. sorry no food pictures this weekend!)